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Trade Ministers' Meeting Concludes in Korea

Jeju, Republic of Korea | 03 June 2005
APEC Trade Ministers have pledged to lend joint support to ensuring a successful conclusion to the planned WTO Ministerial Conference in December.
At the conclusion of their annual meeting, this year held on Jeju Island in the South of Korea, Ministers endorsed a statement by the Chair highlighting a series of joint commitments. These include planned actions in relation to the WTO Doha Development Agenda together with a range of other issues including capacity building and ongoing trade facilitation measures.
The Chair's Statement, a separate Ministers' Statement on Doha Development Negotiations and a video webcast of the Press Conference following the MRT Meeting are available on the APEC Website.
Press Conference Video Webcast:
Summary by Mr. Kim Hyun Chong, Korea's Minister for Trade and APEC 2005 MRT Chair.
Media question response by Mr. Kim Hyun Chong, Korea's Minister for Trade and APEC 2005 MRT Chair.

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