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APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade issue statements

Big Sky, Montana, The United States | 19 May 2011

APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade endorsed two statements at the close of the two-day meeting in Big Sky, Montana.

The 2011 Meeting of APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade, Statement of the Chair. It covers:

  • Strengthening Regional Economic Integration and Expanding Trade
  • Promoting Green Growth
  • Advancing Regulatory Convergence and Cooperation
  • Strengthening Economic and Technical Cooperation

It can be accessed at:

The Statement on the WTO Doha Development Agenda Negotiations and Resisting Protectionism can be accessed at:

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For more information, contact: Augustine Kwan +65 9831 0717 at [email protected] or Michael Chapnick +1 (202) 664 6245 at [email protected]

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