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A Vision for APEC: Towards an Asia Pacific Economic Community, 1993

Published Date December 1993
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat
Accessed 8340
Pages 48
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At their Fourth Ministerial Meeting, in Bangkok in September 1992, APEC Ministers created an Eminent Persons Group to "enunciate a vision for trade in the Asia Pacific Region." This Report presents such a vision and recommends a series of actions to begin its realization. The Report is submitted unanimously by the eleven members of the Group.

  • Letter of Transmittal to the Ministers of the APEC Members
  • Dedication
  • Executive Summary
  • The Asia Pacific & the World Economy
  • Trade Liberalization
  • Trade Facilitation Programs
  • Technical Coorperation
  • Institutionalizing APEC
  • Conclusion
  • Summary of Recommendations
  • Appendices

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