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Overview of Trade Flows of Energy-Using Products between APEC Member Economies

Published Date November 1998
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 1398
Pages 139
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The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Experts Group of APEC commissioned a study to examine trade flows of major energy-consuming products between APEC member economies. This report presents the findings of that study.

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Market Characterization
  • Trade Flows and Energy Efficiency of Household Refrigerators in the APEC Regional Market
  • Trade Flows and Energy Efficiency of Household Air Conditioners in the APEC Regional Market
  • Trade Flows and Energy Efficiency of Fluorescent Lighting in the APEC Regional Market
  • Trade Flows and Energy Efficiency of Industrial Motors in the APEC Regional Market
  • Implications of Trade Flow Study for Decision-Making on APEC's Work Program for Regional Harmonization of Energy Efficiency Testing
  • References

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