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Review of External Indicators to Monitor Progress for the APEC Supply-Chain Connectivity Framework Action Plan (SCFAP) II

Cover_217_PSU_Review of External Indicators for SCFAP II
Published Date November 2017
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 13243
Pages 44
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This report reviews the potential aspirational targets for external indicators that are included in the monitoring framework of the APEC Supply-Chain Connectivity Framework Action Plan II 2017-2020 (or SCFAP II). The targets are defined both in terms of ‘APEC rate of improvement by 2020’ (percentage rate of improvement or change) as well as in terms of ‘APEC average level by 2020’ whenever appropriate. These targets however, should be viewed as aspirational for individual economies considering the diverse domestic environment and different stages of development across APEC. The level of progress to achieve the targets will also depend on the initial starting point of each individual economy. OECD average figures are provided to give a regional comparison perspective.

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