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APEC Project Funding Sources

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This page provides information on the availability and sources of APEC project funding. This page:

  • describes the different types of APEC project funds;
  • describes the eligibility criteria for each fund; and
  • indicates which Responsible APEC Forum undertakes Concept Note eligibility checking and scoring for each of each of the APEC project funds.

There are four main sources of funding for APEC projects: the General Project Account (GPA), the Trade and Investment Liberalisation and Facilitation Account (TILF), the APEC Support Fund (comprising a General Fund and a number of Sub-Funds) and self-funding.

Projects compete with other projects for APEC funding. It is vital that Project Overseers understand the eligibility requirements and the funding priority areas that adhere to the project funding source they are applying to, before you commit your Concept Note at the Final Submission Deadline. Following the Final Submission Deadline, Concept Notes are assessed by all economies within the APEC forum responsible for the funding source in question, to determine eligibility. Reasons should be given where Concept Notes are considered ineligible, to assist Project Overseers, but note that if a Concept Note is found to be ineligible, it cannot proceed any further in the Project Session in question, and it cannot be considered against an alternative funding source (such as the ASF General Fund or the GPA). Ineligible Concept Notes may, however, be re-submitted at a subsequent Project Session.

The responsible APEC forum will also score Concept Notes. These scores alone determine the final funding outcome for each project fund. It is therefore important that Project Overseers understand the scoring framework that will be applied to their Concept Notes during the scoring process. From 2018, an integrated APEC Scoring Template has been used to score all Concept Notes, replacing the forum and committee level scoring templates used earlier. The new integrated template has 5 scoring criteria. Thirty per cent of the total score is allocated to the extent that the project supports the priorities of the APEC fund to which it is applying. Project Overseers are strongly encouraged to review the APEC Scoring Template closely when developing their Concept Notes, to ensure their proposed project addresses all 5 criteria. A copy of the APEC Scoring Template is available here.  

Please contact the Program Director responsible for your forum, or the APEC Project Management Unit ([email protected]), if you have any questions while preparing your Concept Note for submission.

Estimated Funds Available, Project Session 2, 2023
The following table provides an estimate of funds available. The amount available can change depending on new contributions, returned funding from completed projects, and the allocation of funds from the previous approval sessions.

Project FundProject Session 2, 2023
General Project Account (GPA)$ 791,775
Trade & Investment Liberalisation and Facilitation Account (TILF)$ 1,144,502
APEC Support Fund (ASF) General Fund$ 1,550,391
ASF Sub-funds
Human Security$ 1,046,126
Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures$ 3,447,232
Supply Chain Connectivity$ 1,082,545
Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and Global Value Chains$ 1,375,075
Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth$ 783,488
Connectivity$ 1,305,901
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises$ 1,140,226
Women and the Economy$ 350,000
Economic Development in Remote Areas$ 448,748
Digital Innovation$ 2,105,087
Marine Debris Management and Innovation$ 1,758,308
Strengthening Economic Legal Infrastructure$ 269,328
APEC Cooperation on Combating COVID-19 and Economic Recovery$ 1,256,268
Enhanced APEC Agenda for Structural Reform $ 1,560,290
Structural Reform for Sustainable Green Growth $ 867,990
Total Amount Available (GPA+TILF+ASF+Sub-Funds)


  • Figures are estimates
  • Any unspent monies will be rolled over into future project funding sessions.
  • All figures are USD.

Description and Eligibility Criteria for APEC Project Funds

General Project Account (GPA)

Responsible APEC forum: Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)

GPA funding is sourced from mandatory annual APEC membership contributions. There are no restrictions on funding from the GPA. It can support all types of APEC projects. All member economies may apply for funding under GPA. Projects may be fully funded under GPA, as there are no self-funding requirements for GPA-funded projects. Nonetheless, Concept Notes must be compliant with the Guidebook on APEC Projects including the requirements on co-sponsorship and endorsement, to be eligible for funding under the GPA.

The GPA funding priorities change each year. They are determined by combining the priority host-year themes of the incoming and outgoing APEC Host. The final list of priorities are endorsed by Senior Officials at the Informal Senior Officials Meeting (ISOM). The GPA funding priorities for 2023 are identified below (in no order of priority):

  • Facilitating trade and investment
  • Reconnecting the region
  • Promoting inclusive and sustainable growth
  • Building a resilient and interconnected region that advances broad-based economic prosperity
  • Enabling an innovative environment for a sustainable future
  • Affirming an equitable and inclusive future for all. 

Trade and Investment Liberalisation and Facilitation Account (TILF)

Responsible APEC forum: Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)

Please note: TILF funding is subject to a cap of US$100,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project) with effect from 1 January 2015.

TILF was established in 1997. TILF funding is sourced from voluntary contributions from APEC economies. All APEC economies may apply for funding under TILF.

To be eligible for TILF, projects must clearly contribute to achieving trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation objectives that are articulated by Leaders’ or Ministers’ directives or relate to at least one of the 15 areas listed in Part 1 of the Osaka Action Agenda.

The funding conditions for TILF require member economies to self-fund a percentage of the overall project cost. Please refer to Chapter 3 of the Guidebook on APEC Projects, for more information about the self-funding requirements. 

Voluntary contributions to TILF since 1997 are as follows: Japan: US$44.9 million; United States: US$1.9 million; Korea: US$2.8 million; New Zealand: US$551,776.

APEC Support Fund (ASF)

ASF funding is sourced from voluntary contributions from APEC economies. All APEC economies may apply for funding under ASF. There is no self-funding requirement for ASF-funded projects.

ASF projects must clearly demonstrate that they address the capacity-building needs for APEC developing economies in agreed high-priority areas for economic and technical cooperation, although projects are still open to participation by all APEC members. Capacity building in APEC refers to a process to enable member economies - particularly developing economies - to obtain, share, strengthen, maintain and develop knowledge, abilities, skills and technical know-how to improve their policies and regulations or their institutional structures or processes. In APEC, capacity building can be delivered through a range of activities including (but not limited to) workshops, symposia, seminars and training events.

For more information, you can refer to the Capacity Building Goals, Objectives and Principles in Appendix K of the Guidebook on APEC Projects; and the APEC Capacity Building Policy which can be found here.

These criteria apply to the ASF-General Fund and ASF Sub-Funds that are described below.

APEC Support Fund – General Fund

Responsible APEC forum: Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)

Please note: The ASF General Fund is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project) with effect from 1 January 2015.

The ASF General Fund was established in May 2005.

To be eligible for this fund, your Concept Note must demonstrate that your project supports capacity building needs for APEC developing economies.

Capacity building in APEC refers to a process to enable member economies - particularly developing economies - to obtain, share, strengthen, maintain and develop knowledge, abilities, skills and technical know-how to improve their policies and regulations or their institutional structures or processes. In APEC, capacity building can be delivered through a range of activities including (but not limited to) workshops, symposia, seminars and training events.

The funding priority areas covered by the ASF General Fund are the ECOTECH Priority Themes articulated in the Manila Framework, specifically:

  • Developing Human Capital;
  • Developing stable, safe and efficient capital markets through structural reform;
  • Strengthening economic infrastructure;
  • Facilitating technology flows and harnessing technologies for the future;
  • Safeguarding the quality of life through environmentally sound growth; and
  • Developing and strengthening the dynamism of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs);
  • Integration into the global economy;
  • Human security and counter-terrorism capacity building;
  • Promoting the development of knowledge-based economies; and
  • Addressing social dimension of globalisation.

Your Concept Note must address how your project will support one or more of these Priority Themes. Voluntary contributions since 2005 to the ASF General Fund are as follows: Australia: US$16.7 million; China: US$4.5 million; Russia: US$3 million; Korea: US$2 million; Chinese Taipei: US$1.6 million; United States: US$795,142; Japan: US$637,051; and New Zealand: US$30,376.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Human Security

Responsible APEC forum: SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)

The ASF Sub-Fund on Human Security was established in 2006. To be eligible for this fund, your Concept Note must demonstrate that your project supports capacity building needs for APEC developing economies. The funding priority areas for the ASF Sub-Fund on Human Security are:

  • Counter-Terrorism and Secure Trade;
  • Health Security, including Avian and Pandemic Influenza, and HIV/AIDS;
  • Emergency Preparedness; and
  • Energy Security

Voluntary contributions to this sub-fund since 2006 are as follows: Chinese Taipei: US$3.8 million; Russia: US$1.8 million; Australia: US$717,700.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures

Responsible APEC forum: Energy Working Group (EWG)

Established in 2009, this Sub-Fund supports capacity building initiatives contributing to the promotion of energy efficiency and low carbon measures in the APEC region.

In 2020, the Energy Resiliency Principle was formulated and endorsed by the EWG in response to the recent frequent occurrence of disasters. In addition to this, the initiative to Enhance Energy Access in APEC was also endorsed. Taking this opportunity, energy resiliency as well as energy access measure was added in the scope of the Sub-Fund.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2009 are as follows: Japan: US$24 million; Chinese Taipei: US$500,000; and United States: US$392,000.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria, which include co-endorsement by the Energy Working Group. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Strengthening Economic Legal Infrastructure

Responsible APEC forum: Economic Committee (EC)

Please note: The ASF Sub-Fund on SELI is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project).

Established in 2021, this Sub-Fund aims to provide funding for capacity building to assist APEC economies in assessing and implementing structural reform in relation to their economic legal infrastructure, which may include raising awareness of the role and importance of legal infrastructure for economic development in APEC economies; enhancing understanding of relevant international standards and international instruments useful for the strengthening of the economic legal infrastructure of member economies; and other forms of capacity building in relevant fields. The SELI Sub-fund may also provide funding for the facilitation and implementation of relevant work plans, action plans, initiatives or policy discussions endorsed by Economic Committee (EC), such as the Work Plan on the APEC-wide cooperative Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) framework for micro-, small- and medium enterprises in business-to-business transactions, and the use of modern technology for dispute resolution and electronic agreement management (SELI ODR Work Plan). 

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2021 are as follows: Hong Kong, China: US$1 million.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on APEC Cooperation on Combating COVID-19 and Economic Recovery

Responsible APEC forum: SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)

Established in 2021, this Sub-Fund supports a wide range of APEC project activities to help primarily developing member economies in their efforts to 1) address and manage the economic impacts of COVID-19; 2) strengthen public health system and capacity building; 3) expedite economic recovery, build resiliency against future large-scale economic disruptions, and 4) facilitate APEC economies to better adapt to available and innovative digital tools and the digital economy to boost economic recovery and growth.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2021 are as follows: China: US$2,000,000; Malaysia: US$235,267.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Supply Chain Connectivity

Responsible APEC forum: Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)

Established in 2014, this Sub-Fund supports projects related to improving supply chain performance. The priority of the Sub-Fund is to support developing economies to overcome the specific obstacles they face in enhancing supply chain performance - further specific information is available in the Sub-Fund Eligibility document (see below).

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, project concept notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2014 are as follows: China: US$500,000; Australia: US$470,300; Chinese Taipei: US$200,000; Hong Kong, China: US$150,000; United States: US$119,166; New Zealand: US$118,670; and Singapore: US$100,000.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and Global Value Chains

Responsible APEC forum: Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)

Please note: The ASF Sub-Fund on FTAAP and GVCs is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project).

Established in 2015, this Sub-Fund supports the Beijing Roadmap for APEC’s Contribution to the Realization of the FTAAP and APEC Strategic Blueprint for Promoting Global Value Chains (GVCs) Development and Cooperation endorsed at the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in 2014 (Annex A and B of the 2014 Leaders’ Declaration).

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, project concept notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

Voluntary contributions to the Sub-Fund since 2015 are as follows: China: US$3.4 million.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth

Responsible APEC forum: SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)

Please note: The ASF Sub-Fund on IERG is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project).

Established in 2015, this Sub-Fund supports the direction set in the APEC Accord on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth endorsed at the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in 2014 (Annex C of the 2014 Leaders’ Declaration).

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, project concept notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

Voluntary contributions to the Sub-Fund since 2015 are as follows: China: US$2.8 million.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Connectivity

Responsible APEC forum: SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)

Please note: The ASF Sub-Fund on Connectivity is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project).

Established in 2015, this Sub-Fund supports the direction set in the APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025 endorsed at the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in 2014 (Annex D of the 2014 Leaders’ Declaration).

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, project concept notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

Voluntary contributions to the Sub-Fund since 2015 are as follows: China: US$2.8 million.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Responsible APEC forum: SME Working Group (SMEWG)

Please note: The ASF Sub-Fund on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is subject to a cap of US$125,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project).

Established in 2016, this Sub-Fund draws on the direction established by the Boracay Action Agenda to Globalize MSMEs, the APEC Iloilo Initiative: Growing Global MSMEs for Inclusive Development, the SMEWG Strategic Plan 2013-2016 and the PPWE Strategic Plan 2014-2017. It aims to directly involve developing APEC MSMEs in project activities to support the building of inclusive economies through MSME-led poverty reduction.

To be considered for the MSME Sub-Fund, concept notes must demonstrate how developing APEC MSMEs will directly participate in, and benefit from, the proposal from a poverty reduction perspective.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, project Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund, can be accessed HERE.

Voluntary contributions to the Sub-Fund since 2016 are as follows: Canada: US$2 million; and Chinese Taipei US$600,000.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Women and the Economy

Responsible APEC forum: Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE)

Established in 2017, this Sub-Fund aims to institutionalise and provide ongoing support to advance APEC’s objectives of increasing women’s economic participation. It will support new and ongoing initiatives related to advancing women’s economic participation.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2017 are as follows: Australia: US$1.3 million; Chinese Taipei: US$1.2 million; United States: US$1.1 million; Canada: US$386,042; and New Zealand: US$66,524.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria, which include co-endorsement by the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Economic Development in Remote Areas

Responsible APEC forum: SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)

Established in 2019, this Sub-Fund supports APEC’s strategic objective of supporting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, and secure growth. It aims to provide ongoing support for APEC economies to improve the participation of remote communities in mainstream economic activities. The Sub-fund will support new and ongoing initiatives related to advancing the economic development of people in remote communities.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2019 are as follows: Australia: US$820,655.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Digital Innovation

Responsible APEC forum: Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)

Established in 2019, the Digital Innovation Sub-Fund supports APEC’s strategic objective of supporting inclusive, integrated and sustainable growth. It aims to provide ongoing support for APEC economies to improve the growth of the digital economy in the Asia-Pacific region. The Sub-Fund will support new and ongoing initiatives related to the digital economy.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2019 are as follows: Korea: US$2.8 million; Australia: US$387,200; and Chinese Taipei: US$1.5 million.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on the Enhanced APEC Agenda on Structural Reform

Responsible APEC forum: Economic Committee (EC)

Please note: The EAASR Sub-Fund is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project). 

Established in 2021, the EAASR Sub-Fund supports the implementation of EAASR-aligned structural reforms in developing APEC economies. Concept Notes (CNs) must include an explanation of how the proposed project aligns with the proposing economy’s EAASR Individual Action Plan (IAP). Proposed projects may primarily benefit a single economy, but should have lessons for APEC members more broadly. CNs must also demonstrate that proposed projects will focus on identifying developmental needs and building the capacity of individuals and institutions charged with the responsibility of undertaking structural reforms. The building of this capacity may be through acquiring a particular set of technical skills, obtaining new knowledge, or gaining experience through hands-on work. 

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2021 are as follows: Australia: US$1.9 million.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.

APEC Support Fund – Sub-Fund on Marine Debris Management and Innovation

Responsible APEC forum: Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)

Please note: The MDMI Sub-Fund is subject to a cap of US$150,000 (not inclusive of any self-funding/co-funding portion of the project). 

Established in 2020, the MDMI Sub-Fund supports APEC’s strategic objective of supporting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, and secure growth. The Sub-fund aims to institutionalise and provide ongoing support to advance APEC’s objectives of reducing marine debris to promote sustainable development. It will support initiatives related to improving management of land and sea based sources of marine debris and promoting development of technical and financial innovations to prevent and reduce marine debris. 

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2020 are as follows: United States: US$1 million; Australia: US$204,750; Chinese Taipei US$700,000; and Canada US$440,836.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-Fund, Concept Notes must address the Sub-Fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria for the Sub-Fund can be accessed HERE.


APEC Support Fund - Sub-fund on Structural Reform and Sustainable Green Growth 

Responsible APEC forum: Economic Committee

Established in 2023, the SRSGG Sub-fund is designed to support capacity building projects to develop and implement structural reforms that support sustainable growth, including policies that promote the development, and increase the uptake, of low-carbon transition and low/zero emission technologies, and promote carbon pricing schemes, if appropriate.

Voluntary contributions to this Sub-Fund since 2023 are: New Zealand US$868,000.

To be eligible for funding under this Sub-fund, project concept notes must address the Sub-fund eligibility criteria. Detailed instructions on the application process and the eligibility criteria can be accessed HERE


Self-funding refers to any non-APEC amount provided to the project. Sources can include member economies, private sector partners, or other international organizations. Any sponsorship of projects must meet the requirements of the  APEC Sponsorship Guidelines.

Fully self-funded projects can be put forward at any time to the relevant APEC forum for approval by consensus. These projects do not need to be submitted as concept notes first or assessed using the QAF. They do not need to be approved by BMC. Self-funded projects and self-funded components of projects must comply with the APEC Publication Guidelines.

POs of self-funded projects must submit the Self-Funded Project Proposal Coversheet into the APEC project database before commencement of the project. POs of self-funded projects are strongly encouraged to submit completion reports, the template for which can be found here.