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Effects of policies promoting the work-life balance in the development of women who lead MSMEs, in the context of the post-COVID-19 economic recovery

Cover_223_PPWE_Effects of policies promoting the work-life balance in the development of women who lead MSMEs (Final Study Report)
Published Date April 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE)
Accessed 362
Pages 76
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This project aims to research the effects of policies that promote work-life balance within APEC economies on the ability of women to progress in their careers, particularly in leading MSMEs in the COVID-19 economic recovery scenario. The report is divided into seven sections, beginning with an introduction. The next section presents a theoretical framework, the third one, a literature review of work-family balance policies in the APEC economies, followed by a brief discussion of these policies implemented within the COVID framework. Following a description of the study's methodology, the cases that underwent in-depth analysis are detailed in the section that follows. Finally, the last section shows the toolkit for framing the work-family balance policies that can be regarded as best practices.