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Assessing Existing and Planned Hydrogen Infrastructure to Facilitate Widespread Hydrogen Use in the APEC Region - Final Report

COVER_223_EWG_Assessing Existing andydrogen Use in the APEC Region
Published Date October 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 209
Pages 101
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The report provides an assessment of hydrogen infrastructure across the APEC region, including detailed case studies for several APEC economies for which information is available.  The report highlights existing hydrogen projects and/or strategies and summarizes plans for new infrastructure.  The report summarizes information on current and proposed support mechanisms in APEC economies, including policies, tax credits, and other incentives, to promote hydrogen infrastructure development and deployment.  A draft of the report with summary information and recommendations was presented during a webinar which was conducted as one of the milestones of the project, and the report was finalized based on feedback from economies that participated in the webinar in addition to other comments received from economies.