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Annex 2 - Reference List of Environmental and Environmentally Related Services


Reference List of Environmental and Environmentally Related Services

Reiterating the key role that APEC plays in supporting green growth in our region;

Committed to finding common understanding in approaches to trade and environment issues and taking coordinated action to address environmental challenges, including climate change, while recognising each economy has its own policies;

Recognising the important role that trade in services plays in driving economic growth, productivity and prosperity, and ensuring that the Asia-Pacific remains the world’s most dynamic and interconnected regional economy;

Responding to our Leaders’ endorsement of the APEC-wide action of supporting liberalisation of, facilitation of and cooperation on environmental services, under the Environmental Services Action Plan, in the APEC Services Competitiveness Roadmap;

Committed to enhancing trade in services that are needed to protect our environment and noting that supporting liberalisation of, facilitation of and cooperation on environmental services will increase access to such services, directly benefiting the environment;

Noting recent work relating to environmental services that has been carried out by APEC’s Group on Services, including the report Environmental Services in the APEC Region: Definition, Challenges and Opportunities’;

We endorse the below APEC Reference List of Environmental and Environmentally Related Services.

This list has been developed utilising the following principles:

                Environmentally related services are services considered by APEC economies:

                                (i) to directly relate to environmental conditions (including CPC Prov. Division 94, commonly considered to be core “environmental services”); or

                                (ii) to directly contribute to the design, construction and operation of facilities or equipment determined to improve environmental conditions.

                Professional services included in the list are considered environmentally related when they require specific training or knowledge regarding the environmental impact of such facilities.

This non-binding and non-exhaustive Reference List has been developed on a voluntary basis by the APEC Economies, and is open for future review as determined by Economies, with the first review to take place within two years. When reviewing the Reference List, Economies are encouraged to take scientific factors into consideration to ensure the environmental benefits of those services listed and identify other potential services for inclusion. The environmental and environmentally related services listed below represent Economies’ best knowledge and efforts to contribute to classification efforts and take into account different perspectives that may apply in central or local environmental regulations.[1]

As the first voluntary and evolving Reference List of its kind, we hope that this will be a valuable resource for ongoing discussions in APEC.


Group 1:  Services that are environmentally related of themselves, being directly related to environmental conditions.

CPC 2.1

CPC 2.1 Description

CPC Prov.

CPC Prov. Description

Indicative beneficial relation to environmental conditions

81139 ex

Experimental development services in other natural sciences [environmental sciences not elsewhere classified]

85109 ex

Research and experimental development services on other natural sciences [environmental sciences not elsewhere classified]

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment

83221 ex

Urban planning services [studies of environmental impact and economic assessments of urban development plans]

86741 ex

Urban planning services [studies of environmental impact and economic assessments of urban development plans]

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment

83231 ex

Landscape architectural advisory services [related to natural landscapes]

86742 ex

Landscape architectural services [advisory services related to natural landscapes]

Protection of biodiversity or landscape (incl. natural resources protection)

83232 ex

Landscape architectural services [related to natural landscapes]

86742 ex

Landscape architectural services [related to natural landscapes]

Protection of biodiversity or landscape (incl. natural resources protection)

83411 ex

Geological and geophysical consulting services [related to groundwater]

86751 ex

Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services [consulting services related to groundwater]

Water supply or treatment

83411 ex

Geological and geophysical consulting services [related to the evaluation of geological, geophysical and geochemical anomalies]

86751 ex

Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services [consulting services related to the evaluation of geological, geophysical and geochemical anomalies]

Natural risk management;

Solid or hazardous waste management

83412 ex


Geophysical services [related to carbon, capture and storage]


86751 ex

Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services [related to carbon, capture and storage]

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment;

Air pollution control or avoidance

86752 ex

Subsurface surveying services [related to carbon, capture and storage]

83412 ex


Geophysical services [related to natural risk management]


86751 ex

Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services [related to natural risk management]

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment;

Natural risk management


86752 ex

Subsurface surveying services [related to natural risk management]


Environmental consulting services


Other engineering services [related to environmental consulting]

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment

85340 ex

Specialized cleaning services [Cleaning services for reservoirs and tanks, these being parts of either industrial sites; furnace and chimney cleaning services; cleaning of furnaces, incinerators, boilers, ventilation ducts and exhaust units]

87409 ex

Other building cleaning services [Cleaning services for reservoirs and tanks, these being parts of either industrial sites; furnace and chimney cleaning services; cleaning of furnaces, incinerators, boilers, ventilation ducts and exhaust units]

Air pollution control or avoidance;

Environmental remediation or clean-up

85970 ex

Landscape care and maintenance services [Planting, care and maintenance services of stationary and flowing water (basins, alternating wet areas, ponds, ditches, watercourses, sewage-treatment systems) and of plants for protection against noise, wind, erosion, visibility and dazzling]

96499 ex

Other recreational services n.e.c. [Planting, care and maintenance services of stationary and flowing water (basins, alternating wet areas, ponds, ditches, watercourses, sewage-treatment systems) and of plants for protection against noise, wind, erosion, visibility and dazzling]

Noise or vibration abatement;

Protection of biodiversity or landscape (incl. natural resources protection);

Wastewater management


Metal waste and scrap recovery (recycling) services, on a fee or contract basis


Recycling on a fee or contract basis

Solid or hazardous waste management


Non-metal waste and scrap recovery (recycling) services, on a fee or contract basis

Solid or hazardous waste management


Sewerage and sewage treatment services


Sewage services

Wastewater management


Septic tank emptying and cleaning services

Wastewater management


Collection services of hazardous medical and other biohazardous waste


Refuse disposal services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Collection services of industrial hazardous waste (except medical and other biohazardous waste)

Solid or hazardous waste management


Collection services of other hazardous waste

Solid or hazardous waste management


Collection services of non-hazardous recyclable materials, residential

Solid or hazardous waste management


Collection services of non-hazardous recyclable materials, other

Solid or hazardous waste management


General waste collection services, residential

Solid or hazardous waste management


General waste collection services, other

Solid or hazardous waste management


Hazardous waste preparation, consolidation and storage services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Ship-breaking and other dismantling of wrecks services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Non-hazardous recyclable materials preparation, consolidation and storage services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Other non-hazardous waste preparation, consolidation and storage services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Hazardous waste treatment services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Hazardous waste disposal services

Solid or hazardous waste management


Sanitary landfill services, non-hazardous waste

Solid or hazardous waste management


Other landfill services, non-hazardous waste

Solid or hazardous waste management


Incineration of non-hazardous waste

Solid or hazardous waste management


Other non-hazardous waste treatment and disposal services

Solid or hazardous waste management;

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


Site remediation and clean-up services, air


Other environmental protection services n.e.c.

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Site remediation and clean-up services, surface water

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Site remediation and clean-up services, soil and groundwater

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Containment, control and monitoring services and other site remediation services n.e.c.

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Building remediation services

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Other remediation services n.e.c.

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Sweeping and snow removal services


Sanitation and similar services

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Other sanitation services

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Other environmental protection services n.e.c.


Cleaning services of exhaust gases

Air pollution control or avoidance;

Noise or vibration abatement


Noise abatement services


Nature and landscape protection services


Other environmental protection services n.e.c.


Nature reserve services including wildlife preservation services


Nature reserve services including wildlife preservation services

Protection of biodiversity or landscape (incl. natural resources protection)


Group 2: Services that may be environmentally related when used for the design, construction and operation of certain facilities or equipment intended to improve environmental conditions, or for purposes that are determined to be environmentally beneficial by competent regulators (for example, with respect to projects related to renewable energy, pollution abatement, wastewater management, etc.).

CPC 2.1

CPC 2.1 Description

CPC Prov.

CPC Prov. Description

Indicative beneficial relation to environmental conditions


General construction services of dams

51330 ex

Construction work for civil engineering for waterways, harbours, dams and other waterworks [for dams]

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


General construction services of irrigation and flood control waterworks

51330 ex

Construction work for civil engineering for waterways, harbours, dams and other waterworks [for irrigation and flood control waterworks]

Natural risk management


General construction services of long-distance pipelines


Construction work for civil engineering for long distance pipelines, communication and power lines (cables)

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


General construction services of long-distance communication and power lines

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


General construction services of local pipelines


Construction work for civil engineering for local pipelines and cables; ancillary works

Production of cleaner or renewable energy; Wastewater management; Water supply or treatment


General construction services of local cables and related works

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


General construction services of sewage and water treatment plants


Construction work for civil engineering for engineering works n.e.c.

Wastewater management; Water supply or treatment


General construction services of power plants


Construction work for civil engineering for constructions for mining and manufacturing

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


General construction services of other civil engineering works


Construction work for civil engineering for engineering works n.e.c.

Solid or hazardous waste management; Wastewater management; Water supply or treatment


Site formation and clearance services


Site formation and clearance work

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment


Excavating and earthmoving services


Excavating and earthmoving work

Environmental remediation or clean-up


Septic system installation services

51620 ex

Water plumbing and drain laying work [Septic system installation services]

Wastewater management


Insulation services


Insulation work (electrical wiring, water, heat, sound)

Improvement of energy efficiency


Architectural services and advisory services


Architectural services

Improvement of energy efficiency


Engineering services for power projects


Other engineering services

Production of cleaner or renewable energy


Engineering services for waste-management projects (hazardous and non-hazardous)

Solid or hazardous waste management; Wastewater management


Engineering services for water, sewerage and drainage projects

Solid or hazardous waste management; Wastewater management; Water supply or treatment


Composition and purity testing and analysis services


Composition and purity testing and analysis services

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment;

Air pollution control or avoidance;

Environmental remediation or clean-up;

Solid or hazardous waste management;

Wastewater management


Testing and analysis services of physical properties


Testing and analysis services of physical properties

Improvement of energy efficiency;

Environmental monitoring, analysis or assessment

87152 ex

Maintenance and repair services of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c


Repair services of electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c., on a fee or contract basis

Production of cleaner or renewable energy

[1] For further guidance, this Reference List can be read alongside the UN Statistics Division — Classifications on economic statistics.