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Sustainable Materials Management of Food in the APEC Region: A Review of Public Policies That Support Reducing Food Loss and Waste

Cover_222_ATC_Sustainable Materials Management in the APEC Region Study
Published Date June 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG)
Accessed 840
Pages 77
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This report is a resource to provide APEC member economies information on reducing waste and enhancing resource efficiency in the food chain.  Various policies and practices on food loss and waste reduction are represented and include perspectives from multiple APEC member economies.  The goal of the report is to provide a sampling across the APEC region and give policymakers a sense for what to consider when developing and implementing public policies to reduce food loss and waste. 

The report analyzes specific types of food loss and waste reduction policies and compiled a list of 30 interactive websites and general resources used in the development of the report (those available in English language as of November 2021).